標題:【The International Civilian & Military Joint Crisis Game】



The College of International and Defense Affairs of National Defense University (NDU) and the Institute of International Political Studies of National Chung Hsing University jointly organized the "2022 International Civilian & Military Joint Crisis Game", hosted by Major General Lee, Commandant of the college, and invited faculty members from relevant departments and strategic communities from universities in Taiwan and abroad to join the event. Through the combined physical and video seminars, participants from different backgrounds were able to enhance their international strategic perspectives and cross-ministerial thinking in the face of complex crises, which will in turn enhance the strategic research culture and academic status.


A total of 176 students and faculty members were invited from the United States, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, and other countries to participate in a cross-country crisis decision-making exchange with our strategic research departments.


The topics discussed include "The Threat of Chinese Military Projection and Expansion in the Western Pacific", "Joint Defense Mechanism of the Regional Democratic Alliance", "Economic Confrontation and Cooperation between Indo-Pacific Democracies and China", and "China's Gray Zone and Hybrid Warfare as a Response", etc. They were designed to explore how the regional countries could work together to establish a democratic joint defense mechanism in the first island chain, taking into account their own interests and security, in order to deal with the increasingly dangerous situation of the Chinese threat in the future.


Commandant Lee said that the political and military crisis game was a combination of theoretical and practical education and training methods. The crisis game was designed not only to enable graduate students to understand the complex aspects that must be considered in major national decisions, but also to enhance the students' more complete understanding of the international situation, crisis management and negotiation and communication.


Commandant Lee pointed out that through this crisis game, students from different countries could listen to their ideas and integrate them to form policy opinions and crisis preparedness plans at different strategic levels. He also expressed his hope that the universities will further expand their exchanges and continue to promote the results of the activities of the strategic community in order to strengthen the culture and academic level of strategic research.

更新時間:2024/4/25 下午 13:38:00